Air Temp: High:57 - Low:25
Wind: Monday & Tuesday: 15-20 mph, Wednesday - Friday: Light to no wind
Lake Level: 826' and dropping
Water Temp: 43 - 47
Water Clarity: Clear to Stained
Area Fished: North Lake (Little River Area) & South Lake (Blockhouse)
Jigs Used: MayFly - Dagger, Splatter Back - Dagger & Blue Glimmer - Slab Dragon.
Technique: Trolling & Casting
Allatoona Weekly Crappie Fishing Report: This third week of December, or better known as the "week before Christmas" was tough all the way around. First, Monday & Tuesday were met with winds up to 20 mph and quite honestly we didn't fish those two days. Everything in this report is based on how we did Wednesday through Friday. These cold nights have really dropped the water (surface) temperature down to 43 degrees in some places. After lunch the water does warm up to around 47 - 48 degrees depending on water depth and clarity. The south end of the lake was slow the days we were there with only a few crappie caught but they had some size to them. The last couple of days were spent on the north end of the lake trolling and casting. The water has returned to a green stain whereas last Thursday it was Yoo-hoo brown from the previous weeks's rains. The Blue Glimmer Slab Dragon, MayFly and Splatter Back Dagger were the prime colors this week. Which makes sense if the crappie are keying in on more natural baitfish colors. The South End of the lake (Blockhouse Area), the water is clear with a mild stain and fish suspended around 6'-8' in depths of 10'-12' of water. We pulled several colors and styles of jigs with a 1/24th oz. jig head at .5 to .9 mph. This speed and jig head size keeps the 2' to 8' range. We saw several roaming crappie and a few schools but the bite was sporadic. We only fished the south end in the morning so there is no afternoon data to report on this week. We fished the North End of the lake (Little River Area) and the water has returned to a greenish/brown stain. The crappie are scattered and in 16' - 14' of water suspended in the 8' - 10' range. We trolled and casted in the area and caught some nice slabs but it was SLOW. The Blue Glimmer Slab Dragon did well for trolling and the MayFly and Splatter Back Dagger did well for casting to the scattered roaming crappie.
Make sure to download the Red Rooster Long Line Trolling Guide for tips on how to troll for Allatoona Crappie.
We at Red Rooster Custom Baits would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! Remember, the reason we celebrate The Birth of Our Lord and Savior is because he was born to ransom us from the grip of sin and death and to redeem and reconcile us to our Heavenly Father who blesses us with ALL THINGS! Hopefully this report will help you the next time you are crappie fishing on Lake Allatoona. Lord willing we will have another great report next week!