Lake Allatoona | January Weekly Crappie Fishing Report | 1-12-24

Air Temp: High: 63 - Low: 27 

Wind: Up to 16 Mph 

Lake Level: 834' and Rising (Click Here For Current Water Level)

Water Temp: 42 - 44 

Water Clarity: Stained to Heavy Stained/Muddy 

Area Fished: North Lake (Little River Area), Blockhouse & S-Turns to Victoria

Jigs Used: DreamSickle Dagger (NEW 2024 COLOR!)

Technique: Trolling & Casting

Allatoona Weekly Crappie Fishing Report

The second week of January was not kind to the crappie anglers! If the fishing is good we will tell you...if the fishing is bad we will also tell you. No matter how you slice it this was a bad week for catching crappie. We did get out last Saturday after the rains before the water got really trashed and were able to catch a few. Then the lake rose 6 foot in about 2-3 days and with that came muddy water and trash which makes it difficult fishing conditions and impossible if you plan to troll. It will take a couple of weeks for the lake to settle down and for the trash to dissipate. The good news is the fish are eating and getting fat for late winter and spring! 

DreamSickle Dagger did some damage before the lake rose as we found a few and were able to catch them by casting.  

Now is a good time to get the boat ready because the weather will get better and it will be time to hit the lake before you know it. Make sure you have your reels in good working order as well as putting on new line. Take some time and organize your tackle boxes to make the most of your next fishing trip when the weather gets better.

Make sure to download the Red Rooster Long Line Trolling Guide for tips on how to troll for Allatoona Crappie.

Hopefully this report will help you the next time you are crappie fishing on Lake Allatoona. Lord willing we will have another great report next week!

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