Lake Allatoona | Weekly Crappie Fishing Report | January 31st 2025

This weeks report is brought to you by Bayne's Fishing & Outdoors! Red Rooster is proud to be featured at Bayne's Fishing & Outdoors located in Cartersville, Georgia. If you are in Cartersville stop by Bayne's Fishing& Outdoors for all your fishing & hunting needs. Tell them you saw them on Red Rooster's weekly Lake Allatoona Crappie Fishing Report!

Air Temp: High: 70 - Low: 21

Wind: Up to 15 Mph Gusts

Lake Level: Approx. 828' (Click Here For Current Water Level)

Water Temp: 38 - 43

Water Clarity: Stained with a brownish/green tinge

Area Fished: Little River, S-Turns, Victoria, Kellogg/Owl Creek & Block House

Jigs Used: Tre's Gold - Slab Dragon, Black & Blue - Slab Dragon, Albright Special - Kic'n Chic'n'Lectric Chicken - Small Fry, MoonBug - Slab Dragon and Green Glimmer -Kic'n Chic'n.

Technique: Trolling

Allatoona Weekly Crappie Fishing Report

What a difference a week makes! We went from last week's arctic blast to this week feeling like an early spring! We got out a few days this week and found some Lake Allatoona Crappie starting to move around as the water temperature is changing. It reminds me of a funny saying about winter in the south: "You know it's "winter" in the south when you switch from heat to A/C, to heat, to A/C to heat...all in the same day!" That describes this past week perfectly. Early in the week the water temperature was 38 degrees and by the end of the week the water in some places was up to 43! We saw roaming crappie, schools of crappie and crappie laying on the bottom so we had to change up our trolling strategy from time to time to get them to bite. When the water was 38 degrees we would see fish but they were not active and we couldn't buy a bite. That started to change towards the end of the week as the water temperature started warming. By Wednesday/Thursday the crappie started getting active. We were trolling a mix of 1/16th oz. and 3/32nd oz. jig heads as we were consistently seeing schools and roaming crappie suspended in the 8' to 12' range in open water. When I say "open water" this is usually in and around the mouth to the middle of the creeks. We saw crappie in 12' to 18' of water, meaning we would troll in water 12' to 18' deep and saw them suspended in 8' to 12'. If they were not suspended we saw quite a few glued to the can see them on your down scan...little dots sticking off of the bottom. If you see fish on the bottom slow your boat down until your jigs start bouncing the bottom and speed up just a touch so that you don't snag and see if that produces some strikes. As a general rule we start out at .7 mph until we get an idea of the depth they suspended at and then either 1) Speed up or slow down or 2) Change the jig head weights to match the depth. This is where the Red Rooster Trolling Guide should come in handy for you for depths and suggested colors! As that water warms, the crappie will move shallow or move higher in the water column...sometimes within 1' of the surface! If this warming trend holds, we are looking at a warm February which means the crappie are about to bust loose by this time next week. We are getting fired up and so should you! If you have not gotten your rods, reels, tackle and jigs in order...It's GO TIME! If you don't know what colors to choose check out our Combo Packs, this will save you a lot of time with proven stained and clear water colors. Lord willing we will have another report for you next week. Be sure to check out the archives for January 2024 and see what we were doing this time last year!

Make sure to download the Red Rooster Long Line Trolling Guide for tips on how to troll for Allatoona Crappie.

Verse of the Week: Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” ~ Revelation 21:5.

As we reflect on the last day of January 2025, we have shared verses that have a common theme. The common theme is "new" or "renewal" to start out the new year. It is a natural human tendency to be restless and in constant search of something new and improved. If you don't believe that just watch TV for more than 30 minutes and you will be bombarded with commercials pitching new cars, new drugs, new food and in some cases a new you! As fishermen we know all to well about "The latest & Greatest" as we search for the secret to catching more crappie! There is good news for those who have trusted Jesus as their Lord and Savior for he has promised that He will make all things new and that is something that we can look forward to in the future. I pray for everyone who reads this fishing report has trusted Jesus for the best life now and yet to come. If you have not just know that there is a God in heaven who loves you so much that he would come to this earth to bring you close to him through the work of the cross which paid your sin penalty and rose again to conquer sin and death so that you could be with him forever. That is news worth sharing and we look forward to when "all things will be made new"!

Larry showing off a nice 1.7lb Allatoona Crappie caught on a Slab Dragon in the MoonBug Color

Dontre & Jake were all smiles with their day on the lake. Several of their crappie came on the Slab Dragon in the Tre's Gold color

Robbie showing off an Allatoona keeper crappie caught on a Kic'n Chic'n in the Green Glimmer color

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