Lake Allatoona | Weekly Crappie Fishing Report | January 17th 2025

Air Temp: High: 61 - Low: 19

Wind: Up to 20 Mph Gusts

Lake Level: Approx. 828.19' (Click Here For Current Water Level)

Water Temp: 38 - 43

Water Clarity: Stained to Muddy (Depending on the area of the lake, North End Muddy, Mid Lake Stain to Heavy Stain)

Area Fished: Little River, S-Turns, Victoria & Kellogg/Owl Creek

Jigs Used: Blue Grass - Small Fry, Black & Blue - Small Fry, Black & Blue - Slab Dragon, CopperHead - Slab Dragon and 'Lectric Chicken - Slab Dragon

Technique: Trolling& Casting

Allatoona Weekly Crappie Fishing Report

The cold weather & wind was with us for most of the week but we were able to get out on Wednesday and Friday to find a few of those Lake Allatoona January crappie! It was tough fishing this week but we saw some glimmer of hope towards the end of the week. Red Rooster and Jeff "Crappieman" Albright teamed up on Wednesday for a few hours. The sun was out but it was cold and windy with not much to show for 4-6 hours of fishing. We managed a few trolling 1/16th oz. jig heads and 3/32nd oz. jig heads for those deeper crappie. The water temperature is 38 degrees in the north end of the lake and between 41 to 43 degrees from Victoria to Kellogg. These cold overnight temps are keeping the crappie suspended and not very active. Friday was the best day of the week to be on the water in terms of temperature and wind, 60 degree temps after lunch and 3 mph wind made it a great day to be trolling. The morning bite was a little slow but the afternoon bite from 2-5 was better as the water warmed a bit and we caught a few on 1/16th oz jig heads and 3/32nd oz. jig heads trolling at .7 to 9 mph. The crappie were scattered and roaming suspended anywhere between 4' to 12'. Several nice 13" to 14" crappie were caught in the afternoon. Looking ahead to next week another cold spell is coming with the threat of snow! January fishing on Lake Allatoona is hard to predict due to the weather as it brings in rain, cold and wind. We are looking forward to some stable weather and temps in the coming weeks! Be sure to check out our "Stained Water Combo Jig Packs" if you need an idea what colors typically work for us on Lake Allatoona this time of year! Lord willing we will have another report for you next week. Be sure to check out the archives for January 2024 and see what we were doing this time last year! 

Make sure to download the Red Rooster Long Line Trolling Guide for tips on how to troll for Allatoona Crappie.

Verse of the Week: But you have not so learned Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. ~ Ephesians 4:20-24.

As we continue into the new year 2025, there is a theme of "newness" or "renewal". For most of us we strive for improvement or to "be better". We are always looking for something new and improved. Take your fishing gear as an one time you had the latest and greatest but in a couple of years there is something better on the market. This is especially true with fishing electronics...I can't tell you how much I have spent on fishing electronics! We often look for something better in a physical sense...and we all know that one day it will be obsolete or out of date. We very rarely give the same amount of time to our spiritual lives...the life that counts for this world and the next. Let us think more about "the new man" that can only be made new with a close personal relationship with our creator, savior and redeemer. Make time in this new year to purposely walk closer with Jesus and let Him show us what it really means to be "made new".

CrappieMan with some nice Allatoona Slabs caught on the Red Rooster CopperHead Slab Dragon

Our good buddy Jake Turner showing off these beautiful Lake Allatoona Crappie caught on the Red Rooster Small Fry in the Blue Grass color

Hunter Moore of Moore Outdoorz Fishing Guide Service with a 2.79 pound beast crappie caught on the Red Rooster Dagger in the NEW UV Melon color!

Team Rooster with a nice 14" black crappie trolling a new test bait in the Black & Blue color

Team Rooster with a mean hybrid bass caught on the same test bait Black & Blue color